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Restore CCO/HHs in the NYS FY 2025-2026 Budget!

Care managers connect people with I/DD to the supports they need to thrive

New York State’s CCO/HHs are the foundation of the I/DD care system. They are the only entities in the State that address the comprehensive care needs of New Yorkers with I/DD.

These organizations connect the 128,000+ people with I/DD in the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) system to the integrated, holistic supports they need to achieve optimal outcomes in every aspect of their lives.

CCO/HHs are NOT included in the 2025-2026 cost of living adjustment (COLA). On the heels of a 4% budget cut in 2024, it is critical that the Legislature both restore the COLA for CCO/HHs AND increase it to 7.8%.

We ask that you support the following items for inclusion in the 2025/2026 NYS Budget:

    • With over 75% of the I/DD community living on their own or with family, it is vital that New York State continues to invest in community-based services that provide support to individuals with I/DD and their families.
    • Restore the CCO/HHs to the proposed 2025-2026 budget. It is crucial that the Legislature restore the COLA to New York’s CCO/HHs and increase its rate to 7.8% to accurately reflect the rising costs of care.
    • This is more than just a budget request. It is a commitment to providing the stable care system that people with I/DD deserve.
    • Create a Wage Commission to set adequate compensation for direct support professionals and human service workers to improve recruitment and retention, while providing a living wage that these highly skilled professionals deserve.
    • Enhance capital funding to modernize facilities and meet climate goals, ensuring sustainability for the future.


The Care Management Alliance of New York, Inc. is a partnership of the State's seven Care Coordination Organizations/Health Homes that include: Advance Care Alliance, Care Design NY, LIFEPlan CCO, Person Centered Services, Prime Care Coordination, Southern Tier Connect and Tri-County Care.    

Through this tool, you can quickly and easily let your State elected officials know that you are advocating for CCO/HHs to be included in this year’s COLA, and supporting the ask that the COLA be increased from 2.1% to 7.8% to keep up with rising costs. 

Please complete the form below and click on the red button — "send email" — to see the pre-written letter. We invite you to personalize the letter with your own story! Personal stories are powerful tools for advocacy. They help lawmakers understand the real impact of policies and funding decisions on real people.


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